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Pour vous connecter au forum, utilisez votre pseudo et votre mot de passe du site. Inutile de vous réinscrire.
Veuillez prendre connaissance des règles du forum avant toute chose : Fonctionnement et règlement du forum
When you first join OhMyDollz you have to validate your account. This does a couple of things.
1) Allows you to post pictures on your page.
2) Allows you change your email address/delete your account.
How to do this:
First scroll down. At the bottom of your page you should see this.
Click the link and it'll send an email to the address you registered the account with.
Click the link in that email and you're done.
If it doesn't show up after a couple of minutes check your spam email box. If it's not there leave it 24 hours. Try again and after that submit a ticket to Feerik.