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shadowchild3 wrote:
This game was made by leshay234. I have restarted the game here.
For any of those how did not play the old game here are the rules,
The 1'st player ask a would you rather question, like would you rather fly or be abel to get invisible? and the second player will answer the question posting a question of there own.
icefoxes wrote:
Would you rather tell me what's up with all the rarity business or tell me something completely and utterly random?
LOL! Tell you what's up with all the Rarity business! <3
Go here Ice!
Would you rather be the most popular girl or boy in school for 5 whole years or have the greatest friends ever?
have the greatest Friends eva
would u rather live a miserable life then go the heaven oror a bright cheery life but end in hell afterlife ??! xD:sad: !
Live a miserable life then go the heaven. :D
Would you rather win a million dollars and spend it all in one day or only spend 1$ a day?
Spend it all in one day :)
If you had extremely big power would you rather use it for good or use it to rule the world?
Would you rather fly or levitate?
Would you rather be a demon or an exorcist ?
Would you rather be super strong or change into animals?
Super strong
Would you rather control air and water or earth and fire?
air and water
Would you rather be attacked by a giant snake OR angry piranha?
Angry piranha T.T
Would you rather use or in the next post?
Last edited by rukia131 (2014-04-15 19:14:26)
Would you rather be Snow White or Puss in Boots?
Puss in Boots
Would you rather have vanilla ice cream or chocolate ?
Would you rather have a freakishly huge smile or a freakishly small nose?
Oh, Freakishly huge Smile. I could be like the Joker xD
Would you rather dress Steampunk of Cyberpunk?
Cyberpunk (uuuuuh why you making me choose?????)
Would you rather have cookies or muffins?
Would you rather drink 1 gallon of ketchup or 1 gallon of mustard?
1 gallon of mustard! I already tried the other one--not successful.
Would you rather be an Alien with 9 arms or a Platypus who wears a tophat?
Platypus who wears a tophat!!!
Would you rather have super powers or have Christmas never end?
Superpowers. Believe it or not but Christmas spirit doesn't last indefinitely.
Would you rather eat a boiled potato or eat white chocolate out of a clean deodorant container to trick your friend?
eat white chocolate out of a clean deodorant container to trick your friend.
Would you rather lick an old man's stinky armpit or chew on a rotten yellow toenail?
Chew on a yellow rotten…yuck
Would you rather spend the day looking at a duck or dressed as a duck?
day looking at a duck
Would you rather have a third leg or a third arm?
oh my God! maybe none xD ..Third arm (but i would tailless it xD)
yould you rather be fasting for a month or chewing for every second of that month ?? hain!
fasting for a month - I'd be super thing by the end of it!.. If I'm not dead.. maybe dead.. but thin!!
Would you rather have 500 tarantualas crawling in your house or 1000 crickets jumping around your room?
The crickets (I still wouldn't be able to get any sleep though)
Would you rather ride on top of a moving train Or sit in an airplane that your friend's driving and doing crazy tricks?