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#1 2019-08-28 15:19:24

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Message from Mr. Markus

This showed up in the NEWS on the French server but not on our... yet...

Mr. Markus:

(using Google Translate)

Message from Mr. Markus:

Hello everyone !

It's been 12 years since OhMyDollz exists! 12 years !

A lot has happened during all these years.

OhMyDollz is still important to us and we are grateful to you all the time. Sincerely, thank you for your loyalty! Against all odds, you are here with us.

Of course, we read the forums and yes, it takes a lot of time for us to communicate directly about the game as a whole. It is a difficult exercise and we will try to be clearer today. - No, we do not drop the game. We do not intend to stop the servers. No, no and no.

- Yes the content is reduced. This comes from the limited means we have to produce it. That's why we pushed the game towards your creations. You do extraordinary things and it's one of the hearts of the game.

We want to highlight your skills as stylists and creators, put your creations in the limelight and allow players to get incredible creations in their lofts. However we are well aware that the creations can not be the only activity of the game and the events related to the creations of the players are proposed sparingly.

We had to drastically reduce the production of new objects. You saw it and it was a very difficult decision. Previously, Feerik worked by producing a lot of content and doing quests with it. But over time the number of players has decreased and this well before our recovery of the company. There was a time when we lost money: the costs of content to be produced were higher than sales. It was necessary to stop this way of doing otherwise, in effect, we closed the game and society. We decided to bet on you to rebound and it worked: we can continue and keep the server without problem and produce content, even if it is more reduced.

- Flash and 2020. We know that for you this deadline can be scary, but we want to reassure you: we are not the only ones in the world to have flash games that have fans ... Solutions are beginning to emerge as the production of executable to run the games.

We are watching all this closely and we assure you that we are preparing for this transition with our team. We will keep you informed well before the deadline, we ask you a little patience for that.

It would not be useful to list all the solutions that we are considering today, as long as we have not made a decision on this aspect yet. Once the solution is chosen, we will keep you informed.

There are not all the answers in this post because we simply do not have them, but be sure that we have no intention of stopping OhMyDollz.

We are always looking for ideas to create content that you like, in the costs we can support, so do not hesitate to send us your suggestions on this subject.

OhMyDollz must continue and it can not be done without you.

We are preparing Halloween, which we all love, and I hope you will enjoy the surprises.

Thank you again to everyone.

Happy Birthday OhMyDollz!

Mr Markus

Bonjour à toutes et à tous !

Cela fait 12 ans que OhMyDollz existe ! 12 Ans !

Il s’est passé beaucoup de choses pendant toutes ces années.

OhMyDollz est toujours aussi important pour nous et nous sommes tous les jours aussi reconnaissants de vous avoir auprès de nous. Sincèrement, merci pour votre fidélité ! Contre vents et marées vous êtes là avec nous.

Bien sur, nous lisons les forums et oui, cela prend beaucoup de temps pour nous pour communiquer directement sur le jeu dans sa globalité. C’est un exercice difficile et nous allons essayer d’être plus clair aujourd’hui.

– Non, nous ne laissons pas tomber le jeu. Nous n’avons pas l’intention d’arrêter les serveurs. Non non et non.

– Oui le contenu est réduit. Cela vient du peu de moyens que nous avons pour en produire. C’est pour cela que nous avons poussé le jeu vers vos créations. Vous faites des choses extraordinaires et c’est un des c?urs du jeu.

Nous désirons mettre en avant vos compétences de stylistes et de créateurs, mettre vos créations sous les feux des projecteurs et permettre aux joueurs d’obtenir des créations incroyables dans leurs lofts. Cependant nous sommes bien conscients que les créations ne peuvent pas être la seule activité du jeu et les événements liés aux créations des joueurs sont proposés avec parcimonie.

– Nous avons dû baisser de manière importante la production des nouveaux objets. Vous l’avez vu et cela a été une décision très difficile. Auparavant, Feerik fonctionnait en produisant énormément de contenu et en faisant des quêtes avec. Mais avec le temps le nombre de joueurs a diminué et cela bien avant notre reprise de la société. Il y a eu un moment où nous avons perdu de l’argent : les coûts de contenus à produire étaient plus élevés que les ventes. Il a donc fallu arrêter cette manière de faire sinon en effet, nous fermions le jeu et la société. Nous avons décidé de miser sur vous pour rebondir et cela a marché: nous pouvons continuer et garder le serveur sans problème et à produire du contenu, même si c’est de manière plus réduite.

– Flash et 2020. Nous savons que pour vous cette échéance peut faire peur, mais nous désirons vous rassurer : nous ne sommes pas les seuls au monde à avoir des jeux flashs qui ont des fans… Des solutions commencent à émerger comme la production d’exécutables pour faire tourner les jeux.

Nous regardons tout cela de près et nous vous assurons que nous préparons cette transition avec notre équipe. Nous vous tiendrons au courant bien avant l’échéance, nous vous demandons encore un peu de patience pour cela.

Il ne serait pas utile de vous lister toutes les solutions que nous envisageons aujourd’hui, tant que nous n’aurons pas encore pris de décision sur cet aspect. Dès que la solution sera choisie, nous vous tiendrons au courant.

Il n’y a pas toutes les réponses dans ce message parce que tout simplement, nous ne les avons pas, mais soyez sûrs que nous n’avons aucunement l’intention d’arrêter OhMyDollz.

Nous sommes toujours à la recherche d’idées pour pouvoir créer du contenu qui vous plaisent, dans les coûts que nous pouvons supporter, alors n’hésitez pas à nous communiquer vos suggestions à ce sujet.

Il faut que OhMyDollz continue et cela ne peut se faire sans vous.

Nous préparons Halloween, que nous adorons tous, et j’espère que les surprises vous plairont.

Merci encore a toutes et tous.

Happy Birthday OhMyDollz!

Mr Markus

Last edited by sierradane (2019-08-28 15:27:55)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 2019-08-28 15:37:00

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: Message from Mr. Markus

Ha ha! I was just about to post this! good

For a moment I was worried at the start of the message, but all my hoping paid off! Yay!! I think this message was worth waiting for, as it points out a lot of past complaints and why the game has done what it has this past year; and I'm happy I was able to help keep the game afloat with the creations I entered - even if a lot of players don't care much for the creation fashion events or LookBook, I say if they keep coming that means people still care and the game can continue despite a 'bum leg' at the moment.

Last edited by lady0filia (2019-08-28 15:37:27)

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#3 2019-08-29 03:28:55

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Message from Mr. Markus

those sound like good news
i think a lot of people left due to the uncertainty caused by the impending death of flash player
i wonder what solution they will choose for this game (and hopefuly for the pony game as well, so i'll have a reason to go back there and apologize to everyone who had me in their friend list there)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#4 2019-09-03 00:28:33

Registered: 2011-10-11
Posts: 74

Re: Message from Mr. Markus

It makes little difference. The only thing the message reveals is that there are no plans to close the game at the moment & they would update it once flash expires next year but he didn't disclose if the game will be updated with new content. I have seen this happen on other games & eventually a closure announcement is made. Replaying quests & repeating offers wouldn't help the game or bring in new players & the only player collections I like are the ones released in stores not the look book. If they want to save costs they could update only few times a year on special occasions like Christmas, valentine etc with mini quests or events & they could remodel old items to look a bit different like they have done before. There are so many examples … ;piece=182 … ;piece=172

M. Bimbo is doing the same thing as this game (even though they don't use flash) but they've decided to update the game only on special occasions with items made by the games graphic artist.

Last edited by tresselle (2019-09-04 12:09:00)


#5 2019-09-03 03:31:10

From: South of France
Registered: 2013-08-13
Posts: 145

Re: Message from Mr. Markus

There's actually this interview (thanks to Sierradane for transcribed the video) :
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

And another conversation video with a creator of Prince of Persia at the same convention in Barcelone.

#6 2019-09-03 11:52:55

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Re: Message from Mr. Markus

Tresselle: I feel like they are just hanging in there, collecting what money they are during this time, and waiting until this game itself no longer loads and people eventually give up on it. Like you said, it wouldn't hurt to do 1-4 new quests per year.  Especially this supposed "last year" of FLASH.... they could at least do one more new quest.

M'lle-Green, you did a great job on this 'magazine' interview.  I've included the images for those who don't want to click on the links.  I'm listening to this second interview and it's very interesting.  I'm also looking at Mr. Markus' shirt and shoes and thinking that they probably cost more than all of my clothes.  I'd like to see the creator of Everquest be interviewed.  That game came out in 1999 and is still going on.  Of course, it's not FLASH, but it is a video game... along the lines of what they are discussing in this second interview.

My browser is translating what I've typed in ENGLISH... to ENGLISH and changing some of the wording... it confuses me!!!

Last edited by sierradane (2019-09-03 11:57:17)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

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