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#1 06-05-2011 21:44:09

Ancien joueur xcherri101

Scroll Box..?

How can you make the background of your scroll box invisible, so when putting it on a table, it fits on top and shows the picture behind it? :) Thanks. <3

#2 06-05-2011 22:03:35

Chat moderator
From: somewhere :)
Registered: 2010
Posts: 1445

Re: Scroll Box..?

i use this code for transparent scrollbox:
<center><div style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 194px; COLOR: orange; FONT-FAMILY: arial; HEIGHT: 231px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent"><p>ENTER YOUR CODE HERE</div></center>
hope this helps <33


#3 07-05-2011 00:05:22

Ancien joueur xcherri101

Re: Scroll Box..?

Thanks soo much! Big hugs ^u^


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