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#1 20-02-2017 13:24:53

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010
Posts: 4655

[Bank] Special offer on $$$

Hello dollz,

Today we have a special offer on OhMyDollarz for you!

Convert your Fee’z to obtain:

– 45 $$$ (instead of 30 $$$) for 150 Fee’z

– 280 $$$ (instead of 185 $$$) for 900 Fee’z

– 760 $$$ (instead 500 $$$) for 2300 Fee’z

To convert your Fee’z in OhMyDollarz, go to the Bank’s page:

You have until Wednesday 22nd February at midnight (CET) to take advantage of this sale.

Have a great week on OhMyDollz!


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