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#1 21-02-2018 22:26:13

From: Florida
Registered: 2012
Posts: 216

Dream items

You ever come across an item in the game that you just LOVE and would give anything to be able to have? That one item/s that is always just out of reach, be it from a quest, a shop or a flash sale etc.

Do you have screen shots of these items? wanna share? post them! Lets share our dream items that we'd love to have.

This is mine, I have always loved this dress since I first seen it. I think it's from a quest but I don't know what one. But it's something that I would give anything to have for my doll!

#2 22-02-2018 01:17:06

Santa's Little Helper
Registered: 2010
Posts: 86

Re: Dream items

I have that dress! I think it was from one of the angel/heaven quests? It's in my Best Friend room if you want to copy it for feez.


#3 22-02-2018 05:41:40

Registered: 2010
Posts: 992

Re: Dream items

This was always a dream item of mine from when I first discovered it in someone's Loft.  You can choose the color of the dress!

I actually was able to obtain it not too long ago ... when the Steampunk quest could be replayed and there were packs of items from the quest to buy, I was able to get it through a pack!  Whoohoo ~ especially since I didn't realize that's where it came from.  I always knew it was part of a quest, but didn't know which one.


#4 22-02-2018 22:35:46

From: Florida
Registered: 2012
Posts: 216

Re: Dream items

That dress is really pretty, i've played with it a few times in peoples rooms when i've come across it. i always forget you can buy copy's from people for feez, i just need to get the feez to be able to copy it haha.

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