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#1 09-07-2022 18:50:55

Registered: 2010
Posts: 219

[Fixed] Bank reward failure

So I gave in and went to buy Feez for the bonus horse on Friday July 8th. The one with the aqua-teal mane.  I got the Feez, but I only ended up with the saddle blanket and none of the other items.

Every thing I looked at indicated the buyer should get the complete set of 4 items, the news article and the top of the bank page. Nowhere does it say 'one of'

Each day, you can win a lot of exclusive gifts by getting at least 100 Fee’z in one purchase at the bank (including Free Fee’z).

This offer lasts 4 days. To get all the exclusive gifts, you have to purchase at least 100 Fee’z each day.

Today, if you buy a code at the bank, you'll get some great gifts! Here are today's gifts

It is not written that you need multiple purchases on the same day, for each days gifts, and heavily implied you get the set.  I frankly don't like making excess transaction, but cannot guess if most people would feel the same in a situation like this. If are like me, then this idea is rather a stupid one.

Account is orangemaid

#2 09-07-2022 21:45:03

Registered: 2013
Posts: 76

Re: [Fixed] Bank reward failure

Hi!!!  I reported this on the French server.  I had the same issue and it seems others are now reporting that they have the same problem.  Added your name ...

Last edited by julieanne1976 (09-07-2022 21:47:35)


#3 10-07-2022 16:44:53

Registered: 2010
Posts: 219

Re: [Fixed] Bank reward failure

Thank you :love:

Sorry to hear this is happening to other people :pleur:

Here's hoping

Last edited by orangemaid (10-07-2022 16:45:14)


#4 13-07-2022 18:15:26

Registered: 2013
Posts: 76

Re: [Fixed] Bank reward failure

This should be fixed now!!!!  xoxoxoxo


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