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  •  » [Fixed] No Advent Gift for Dec 24

#1 24-12-2022 13:29:30

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3284

[Fixed] No Advent Gift for Dec 24

this is what we should have been given:

Dec 24

Here is the post made by someone at the French Forum bugs section, post there if you didn't get the blue dancing couple:

Here is the post I made at the French Forums, asking about what time the Advernt Gift of the day was supposed to show up:

Mayor of Aarnel [Moderator]


Les cadeaux doivent être implantés à la main si je me souviens bien, donc ils changent aux alentours de minuit mais il ne faut pas oublier que ce n'est pas une machine mais un véritable lutin de Noël qui s'en occupe, il peut donc y avoir un léger décalage selon les circonstances ^^

In English:

The gifts have to be implanted by hand if I remember correctly, so they change around midnight but you have to remember that it's not a machine but a real Christmas elf who takes care of it, so he can there may be a slight difference depending on the circumstances ^^

That's not a very good way of running a business. If something is supposed to happen at a certain time, have it happen at a certain time.  If the person is unable to do it at that certain time... find someone who can.

Last edited by sierradane (24-12-2022 13:32:59)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 20-01-2023 16:39:21

French Community Manager
Registered: 2009
Posts: 23

Re: [Fixed] No Advent Gift for Dec 24


As answered on the French forum, the gifts were all implanted manually by a member of the team each evening between midnight and 1am French time. There were a few rare days when the gift arrived in the inventories a little later.

Admittedly, this is not the ideal solution, and there were slight delays on some days, but it was either that or no schedule.

The December 24th gift was given to all players until December 26th. It did arrive late, but the timing was adjusted to allow as many players as possible to get the gift despite this.

You have had many gifts throughout this month, even several per day. The team really wanted to please you, to offer you a nice Christmas in your lofts. And to give you that, it was the only possible solution, even if it wasn't perfect.

I close this topic, the problem having been corrected on December 24th just after 2pm.


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