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#1 24-04-2012 05:23:07

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3286

Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

Transferring the images which aren't showing correctly to another account & slowly switching them.

I'll update this from time to time so keep checking back

As of today, Sept 26 2012, there are new images that lead you to the "FREE FEE'z" page and the "Watch Videos for FEE'z."  These can now be found at the bottom of the page when you access the "bank" area.

The icon for the "free feez" looks like this:

and for the "watch videos for feez":

Not sure if this has been done before or if I have actually made a post this way.  I have a migraine headache so it's hard to remember.  But I wanted to put this up before going to bed. 

This is a... guide?  suggestion?  to the Free FEEz and the Watch Videos for Free FEEz.

I also had sent a list like this to Feerik because it had info which included virus attacks.

For the Free Feez link

I click that daily & work my way from left to right.  The "vendors" (lets call them that) appear in random order.  Sometimes one will be first & next time it will be last. Radium:

This new vendor actually had several options for 2-7 feez as well as some worth more.  And also, VIDEOS are now showing up for 2 feez.  Hopefully there will be more good options showing up on this one in the future.

They generally have a good selection of the videos to watch for 1-2 Feez.  They also have one for 20 Feez which requires a download of something called iMESH, a music sharing program.  They will also occasionally have some surveys that will give you Feez that doesn't require a download.----BE AWARE that in the VIDEO tab for this "vendor" there are now options to view a supposed video but it's a game download.  Also listed under their video tab is the Netflix offer--for only 1 FEEZ.   First time users to NetFlix usually gives you anywhere from 600 to 800 FEEZ.

Occasionally have videos to watch for around 2 feez each; you just have to check on the drop down menu.

They have an occasional video.  They also have some choices to download for various feez but be aware, even if you choose "no,"  you WILL end up with the FlipToast thing and Weather Desk thing.  Some of the games end up on a page that says Virus attack.

Peanutlabs... home of the "you only earned 5 fEEZ" (but we never get them).  They very rarely have actual surveys to complete and depending on if you qualify, you might actually earn up to 98 feez.  Some of those are 70 feez or lower.  And, sometimes you might get a video for 1 or 2 feez.

I rarely get the small amount of Feez for downloading those Facebook games.  Once in a blue moon will I get one of those.  Videos here are rare to non-existent

This one is mainly all about "getting another credit card" or "check your credit score" or "get an insurance quote," which all require you give them your RL info so they can contact you.  I can't say I've ever seen any videos there.

(for the longest time I thought that was pronounced another way which made me blush) 
The "Watch TV Online" that has a trivia game... I've never received anything for that.  Never seen any videos on this one.  Most of the game downloads have led my computer to the "this is a virus attack" page & my virus protection program stops it. Wall:

Never have I received any feez on this one.  And it has all kinds of surveys.  Surveys for if you drink beer, surveys if you are of a particular race, surveys for boys only or for women only, or if you are low on certain chemicals in your body; easy survey for mom most definitely leads to the "virus attack" page.  (I thought this game was supposed to be for younger kids... so why do they have a survey for those who drink beer?)

Here is a new tab:

So far the things to do with this tab only involves things that you would need to either make a purchase or give your cell phone number so they can  "text you the answer" & Offermatch:

Never anything there at all:  But that doesn't mean "Well, I don't have to ever look there."  Because you never know... something might show up.

If you want to buy something, you can get the feez.  Personally I don't like buying things online so I've never tested the ones here.

The tab to click that looks like this:

this leads you to four choices:  TEADS, Matomy, Peanutlabs and SuperSonicAds.  If anything loads at all by using this link it's usually either on TEADS or Matomy.  With Matomy, there are videos to view... but they are never "for MY area."  If TEADS has loaded videos available, usually you don't get anything by clicking on it.  What you would want to do... click on the "Free Feez" link again, then click on the "watch videos" link that is included with the other options that include buying feez for RL money.  TEADS, if available, can be viewed from this route & offer 3 FEEZ per video watched.

Just an example of tonight, I started out with 512 feez... I'm heading for bed with ....make that 548 feez instead of 544 feez.

Hope this helps someone.

All of the images I've inserted above are just that... images.  They are not the links leading to that offer.  Perhaps later when I have more time, I'll come back and edit this and add the links. "Word to the wise," when doing this option, I have personally not received any feez whatsoever.  Anyone else get anything from doing those TV quizzes?

Update 6/25/2012:

This past week, the "get free feez" has not always shown up while being on our pages.  I can only guess as to the reason.  Some have not been able to view the videos for free feez, but it is still possible!  During the time that some didn't or couldn't get to those videos, I earned some each day.

Here are some screenshots showing how to get to those videos if that "Free Feez" tab isn't showing up for whatever reason, click on either place the arrows are pointing to:

Clicking on either choice will take you to where you would purchase your FEEZ with RL money, but also to the place you can choose the tabs for the "free feez" and "watch videos for feez."  :

And this shows one of the new "vendors" that occasionally does have a video to watch:

Update: 6/25/2013

Here's a new feature that I noticed this morning.  You will find this new tab on the right hand side of your page and it looks like this:

When you click on it, it comes out to appear like this:

Of course, the things offered there as far as videos.... one worked and one did not.  You just need to check it each day and if possible, more than one time a day.

Last edited by sierradane (28-04-2014 19:12:26)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 26-04-2012 02:25:44

Registered: 2012
Posts: 6

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

Ehh. Why is it that I can't find the image/link for the free Fee'z offer? ;___; .


#3 26-04-2012 02:51:53

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3286

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

It is on the left side of the page:
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#4 26-04-2012 03:23:51

Registered: 2012
Posts: 6

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

sierradane wrote:

It is on the left side of the page: … 93e2b9.jpg

Oh what the heck? :LL
I don't have it ;__; . … /whatt.png


#5 26-04-2012 03:46:25

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3286

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

Do you have the option at all where you can buy your FEEZ with RL (real) money?  If so, click on that and there should be a tab in there with the option for the Free FEEZ as well as a tab with the option to watch the videos.  TEADS is the best, in my opinion for highest paying for watching videos.

Tonight, I started with 580 FEEz.  I am now up to 625.  I am going to see how long I can go without cashing them in; maybe I can reach that 7400 mark that would cost me $99.99 if I had to pay for them.

Last edited by sierradane (26-04-2012 03:50:26)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#6 26-04-2012 11:29:20

From: MNL, Phil.
Registered: 2011
Posts: 352

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

I dont understand how you can earn Feez with those offers. Surveys make my head ache  :ouf:  and when i work on videos, it only says "no video". Others state that there's none available in our country. :pleur:

#7 26-04-2012 15:21:10

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3286

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

You have to be consistent, meaning that you have to make it a daily habit to check for videos.  I've found that if you use the route which you will see in my screenshot showing all the various ways to attain feez, the icon with the film roll will give you more videos than if you click the icon to the left that says "watch Videos for feez."

Yes, you will have days... even weeks where NO videos show up on that film roll icon.  And the Matomy 'watch videos for free' NEVER usually let you watch the videos even if there are some there because you will most generally get, "sorry, this is not for your area."

Teads, when they have videos, give 3 FEEz per viewing.  Some of the others give 1 or 2, sometimes up to 5.  You just have to check daily.

As for the surveys, Peanutlabs will occasionally have a survey worth around 70 feez... IF you qualify.  And they will have a video now and then. 

If you check all of those Free Feez offers DAILY then you will learn which ones work and which ones are only after your RL information.  Also, you will learn which ones is something that leads to a virus attack.   (I've sent tickets in to Feerik on those potential virus attacks and their reply is, "thank you for being up on that.")

Daily, daily, daily... you have to check them daily.


I went through every possible video offer last night after reset and this morning I'm just checking again... "just in case"  and there are more videos.  The one on Matomy is worth 1 feez.  People might think, "I'm not going to watch that for only 1 feez, it's not worth it."  Yes!  It is worth it!  It only took 1-7 minutes of your day and you got 1 feez.   For the girl who only neede 3 more feez... 3 "1 FEEZ" videos would be the ticket.

Last edited by sierradane (26-04-2012 15:28:58)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#8 26-04-2012 23:59:10

Registered: 2010
Posts: 4

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

Is it safe to do the free trial credit card offers?


#9 27-04-2012 02:44:05

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3286

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

Personally, I would not.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#10 27-04-2012 08:04:37

From: MNL, Phil.
Registered: 2011
Posts: 352

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

Thanks for the tips, sierradane. I'll try to be patient waiting and checking for videos then... but have you tried finishing surveys? did they actually work? I see they're very long and I don't want to just waste time on them for nothing (if they dont work).

#11 27-04-2012 23:44:16

Registered: 2012
Posts: 6

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

sierradane wrote:

Do you have the option at all where you can buy your FEEZ with RL (real) money?  If so, click on that and there should be a tab in there with the option for the Free FEEZ as well as a tab with the option to watch the videos.  TEADS is the best, in my opinion for highest paying for watching videos. … 7c23a1.jpg

Yup, I have the option to buy Fee'z.
I bought $14 worth of Fee'z few days ago o: .
I don't see the Offer for Free Fee'z though .___. .
Is it because I'm fairly new-ish or because I'm only Level 3?

If that's the case, I'm so mad.
I'm 90% done with the Australian adventure thing & I've spent $14 for Fee'z x__x .
I just can't keep buying more, or else my parents will get angry at me for buying game cash again ._. .



#12 28-04-2012 02:51:29

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3286

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work


I would suggest that you send a ticket to Feerik with that screenshot, showing that certain aspects of this game is missing.  I know that with some of my later dolls, they do not have the search option for whatever reason.  But I'm fairly sure they have the "free Feez" option. 


I've done a lot of the surveys and yes, some of them are long.  With Peanutlabs and their longer surveys, I've had times when I've sat for over 30 minutes doing the survey & then end up with their message of "You have received 5 FEEZ" which we all know that we never get that.  But most of the time, a long survey will give you the amount that is offered.  If it doesn't, then take screenshots & submit them to that company.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#13 28-04-2012 23:56:35

Registered: 2012
Posts: 6

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

sierradane wrote:


I would suggest that you send a ticket to Feerik with that screenshot, showing that certain aspects of this game is missing.  I know that with some of my later dolls, they do not have the search option for whatever reason.  But I'm fairly sure they have the "free Feez" option.

Thanks! (:
I'll send them a ticket again because it seems like it wasn't sent through the first time x: .


#14 29-04-2012 03:49:28

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3286

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

ixbutterfly wrote:

sierradane wrote:


I would suggest that you send a ticket to Feerik with that screenshot, showing that certain aspects of this game is missing.  I know that with some of my later dolls, they do not have the search option for whatever reason.  But I'm fairly sure they have the "free Feez" option.

Thanks! (:
I'll send them a ticket again because it seems like it wasn't sent through the first time x: .

You HAVE validated your account, right?  (if not, that may have something to do with it)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#15 29-04-2012 17:33:28

Registered: 2011
Posts: 120

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

Be very careful what you do to get free feez, there is always a price to pay and you may like it less then paying money for feez...personaly i use an unregistered prepaid phone only for these types of online transactions like buying feez, but after doing a few of these serveys once (without giving my phonenumber) it has logged tons of calls regularly, no one has ever gotten that number from me..also your mailbox will be flooded with spam and offers because you ended up on mailinglists you never signed up for ( in some cases spyware and mallware are included to scan your browser and add activity online wich can harm or slow your computer to turtle speed if you dont catch it and using up your computers is generaly a bad ( and i do mean BAD idea to give out any kind of personal info online), these feez are given for "free" because they want something from you, sometimes its as straight forward as 10min of your time hoping you would buy their product, othertimes it can be more malicious...just be careful!


#16 05-05-2012 12:18:56

From: MNL, Phil.
Registered: 2011
Posts: 352

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

Thanks a lot for the tips. I finally received feez from videos :gai:

But may I ask how the membership card works?

#17 05-05-2012 14:48:07

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3286

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

From my experience, when you purchase your FEEZ with RL money, you get a "stamp" on your membership card which has room for 10 stamps.  When that card fills up, 150 feez will be added to your account without you having to do anything other than to purchase FEEZ ten times with RL money.

Last edited by sierradane (05-05-2012 14:50:22)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#18 31-05-2012 14:33:44

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009
Posts: 2406

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

I think this is a worthy post to sticky, so I'm going to. :)

P.S.  I know there was an issue for awhile with some players not being able to see the "watch videos for free fee'z" icon (as sierradane showed in an above post.)  It is my understanding that the issue has been fixed, so everyone should be able to see that icon now.

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#19 31-05-2012 14:36:29

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3286

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

Thanks Willowskye!  I like helping when I can.  And I've been keeping a running total of how many feez I have so far which is up to 1070.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#20 31-05-2012 14:44:07

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009
Posts: 2406

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

You're welcome. :)

I'm really happy that you've been able to get so many free fee'z. :D  With this current economy, I know every little bit helps.

I used to do the peanuts lab surveys on "another site", but I will admit I've gotten kinda lazy since we moved to OMD so haven't done any more. 

I've been tempted to check out the videos for fee'z, but as I don't really think my computer has a proper anti-virus program, I'm hesistant to do them now that I see you've found some that had viruses.

Maybe I'll try to stop being so lazy and check out the peanuts labs ones again...except for the ones that give out "5 fee'z." ;)

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to share this information with everyone, sierradane. :D

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#21 09-06-2012 17:15:13

From: Everywhere
Registered: 2009
Posts: 908

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

if i watch videos for earning free fee'z, Is there any virus when you look at the video :quoi:

Last edited by kimaly (08-07-2012 20:45:58)


#22 12-06-2012 05:24:45

Registered: 2012
Posts: 25

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

Is anyone else having trouble with the TEADS videos? 

They have changed their format, and now it is too big from the frame it is in.  Because I can't see the whole thing, I can't see what I'm supposed to do to collect my Feez (it's not like before where you just clicked the link). 

It really frustrates me, because that's how I got most of my Feez :pleur:


#23 12-06-2012 09:45:55

Registered: 2011
Posts: 10

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

I just started watching videos to earn feez.
I like it ! But, so far, I have not been able to connect with "teads".



#24 12-06-2012 11:28:06

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3286

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work

@ladyarah:Is the video square sometimes at the far left?  If so, it will continue as normal to the white square where you click that for your feez.  Over the week-end, that particular "vendor" (TEADS) wasn't paying out anything, but they've fixed it.  I doubt if anyone will receive any feez that they didn't get over the weekend.

@halcyondays: Are you accessing the videos through the "Watch these videos and win free feez" or through the "get free feez"  ?  I have found that the videos load better when accessing them through the "get free feez" as opposed to the other.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#25 14-06-2012 03:53:20

Registered: 2012
Posts: 25

Re: Free Feez & watch Videos-which ones work


I've had those before, and as you said they work after the video is over.
What I mean is that after I watch the video and then click the white page, the video frame is filled with a blue website-looking page that is much bigger than the frame.  I've clicked it in several different places, but I can't seem to find any way to make it close.  Also, even though I clicked the white page, I get no Feez :pleur:

I have tried using Chrome and Safari browsers, it makes no difference.

Thank you for responding though, you are very kind to have made this thread and try to help us out!


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