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TO PLAY IN A SECURE MANNER: I don't give my password to any other player. I don't swap codes. I never enter my OhMyDollz personal codes on another website.
~I can't believe I forgot to go to the gym today. That's five years in a row now! Monday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
22/10/2024 à 01:49:50
~What do I like most about my job? Pay day, lunch breaks and leaving. Sunday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
21/10/2024 à 02:39:20
~So glad I don't have a thigh gap. I almost dropped my phone in the toilet, but my legs were like, no girl, we got you! Saturday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
20/10/2024 à 02:15:09
~If my body was a car, I'd trade it in for a newer model because every time I cough or sneeze, my radiator leaks and my exhaust backfires! Votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
19/10/2024 à 02:18:28
~I accidentally went grocery shopping on an empty stomach and now I'm the proud owner of Aisle 4! : ) Thursday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
18/10/2024 à 01:26:22
~I'm a little scarecrow, Raggedy and worn. I wear a hat, and a shirt that's torn When the crows come. I wave and shout. "Away from my garden-get on out!" Wednesday night votes from Cook iesez~
17/10/2024 à 02:35:01
~Do everything with a good heart, expect nothing in return and you will never be disappointed. Tuesday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
16/10/2024 à 02:36:49
~It was a good day spent with my daughter, Lucy, and her two girls B and K at a pumpkin patch and making a Halloween craft. Monday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
15/10/2024 à 01:36:57
~We went to a shrink today. He says I have a split personality. Charged me 84.00 I paid him 42.00 and told him to get the rest from the other personality! Sunday night votes from Cook iesez~
14/10/2024 à 02:07:39
~I can't even imagine the self control required to work at a bubble wrap factory!! Saturday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~