

Your Nickname:Your Email:
Your Password:Your year of Birth:

1) What is the OhMyDollz Chat ?

The Oh My Dollz Chat is an animated 2D chat where your doll can evolve in a virtual world while talking with your friends!

2) How does it work ?

To access the chat, you must connect through your account. Then by clicking on 'Oh My Dollz Chat' in the top right conner. There you're connected.

We ask you to choose your salon/room. A salon is a place where you can go to find other dollz to talk to.

Each salon welcomes a maximum of 10 players.

You can see in real time how many people are talking in each salon.

To access a salon you simply click on the salon of your choice.

To place your doll, you need to click on the zone you would like to lead her. Salon Name: indicated the salon in which you would like to find.

: click on this icon to show or to hide the nicknames of the players presented in the salon.

: click on this icon to access the panel of all the other salons. You can click on the salon you would like to enter if it is not already full.

: click to access the Friends window. You will find your list of friends and their availability on the chat. If they are present you can find them in the salon and join them by clicking "Join". On this page you can also see the people you have blocked and unblock them if you desire.

: If you are not a premium member, you can only use the pre-made sentences. Click on the button to discover and use it.

Tap Zone : Accessible only to premium members, write your text and press on the enter button to talk. Your message then appears!

Block a doll : If there is a doll you would like to block, you can. To block: click on the doll in question, then click on the button "Block". Once this doll is blocked, you never have to see her messages again. You can unblock via your friends list by clicking "Unblock".

Signaling a doll : if a doll is inappropriate, you can send an alert/signal.
The signal/alert will be sent to a moderator who is present in the chat which the problem occurred. The doll could be sanctioned or warned if necessary. To signal : click on the doll in question, then click on the button "Signal".

To avoid abusive signals or alerts you can only signal one time every two minutes.

3) Talking freely on Oh My Dollz chat

The sentences type Chat button is limited. This is why you can talk freely (with your own words) if you are a premium member of the game of if you have been on the game for over 60 days !

How to become a premium member ?
To be a premium member on OhMyDollz, you must be registered for over 60 days on the game or have used the bank at least one time.

4)Sanctions and the role of the moderators

You can distinguish the difference from the moderator from the other players because the moderators will be glowing, like a bright halo is around them.

The moderators of the chat have several tools to keep order and keep security on the Oh My Dollz 'chat :

Kicked out or temporary exclusion : a player who does not respect the rules can be 'kicked out' by a moderator, in other words they can be disconnected for the chat. 3 Kicked out can be banned for up to a full week.

Warning: A warning is given to a player if they have not respected the rules of the chat. A warning can be given through a PM or directly through the Chat.

Banning : a player who was inappropriate or abusive can be banned from the chat. She will no longer have access to the Chat and will be unable to connect to it. The ban will include all dolls from the player. If the player uses another account to chat, both accounts will be banned for double the amount of time. It is also against the rules to speak the name of the person who was banned as they do not have access in the chat .

Sanctions in the game : a comportment which is inappropriate on the chat, abusive or dangerous for the community could be sanctioned by an administrator.

A sanction given by one moderator cannot be undone by another moderator: if a moderator sanctioned you, it is because you did not respect the rules, therefore it would be in your best interest to not protest.

Do not be aggressive towards a moderator by either a comment or private message: ask for an explication for something is different from insulting a moderator. In insulting a moderator you risk an sanction.

Enjoy chatting on Ohmydollz!

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