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#1 2023-07-17 17:32:31

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

2023 List of all Dollz Fashion Show Winners

I got this idea from the doll April who has also kept a list on her page. 

I thought I'd make a running list of all of the 2023 winners of our Dollz Fashion Show and add to it here with each new winner.   

Fashion Show Rules:   

2023 Dollz Fashion Show Winners

Jan 2 2023:

1. sierradane

Jan 16 2023:

1. teom
2. jenzg11
3. saphie1
4. serafine
5. nicobiz

Jan 30 2023:

1. karmax
2. pink-sugar
3. nicobiz
4. agneseappeal

feb 13 2023:

1. aariael
2. euphraxia
3. saphie1
4. pinnk-sugar
5. nicobiz

Feb 27 2023:

1. nicobiz
2. ilovemymom
3. serafine
4. pink-sugar
5. ilovemichelle
6. iloveangel

March 13 2023:

1. karmax ---------------------- won first place on  Jan 30 2023
2. serafine
3. saphie1
4. faechild86
5. pink-sugar
6. ilovemichelle

March 27 2023:

1. amat3rasu
2. pink-sugar

April 10 2023:

1. nicobiz ----------------------- won on Feb 27 2023
2. euphraxia
3. agneseappeal
4. serafine

April 24 2023:

1. hollymoua
2. pink-sugar
3. 12shir
4. karmax

May 8 2023:

1. sparkly
2. karmax  ---------------------- won first place on  Jan 30 2023 and March 13 2023
3. pink-sugar

May 22 2023:

1. saphie1
2. nicobiz ------------------------ won first place on  Feb 27 2023 and April 10 2023
3. karmax  ---------------------- won first place on  Jan 30 2023 and March 13 2023
4. agneseappeal
5. pink-sugar

June 5 2023:

1. marilyn-monroe
2. jenzg11
3. pink-sugar
4. karmax  ---------------------- won first place on  Jan 30 2023 and March 13 2023
5. nicobiz ------------------------ won first place on  Feb 27 2023 and April 10 2023

Jun 19 2023:

1, euphraxia
2. 12shir
3. karmax  ---------------------- won first place on  Jan 30 2023 and March 13 2023
4. nicobiz ------------------------ won first place on  Feb 27 2023 and April 10 2023

July 3 2023:

1. crystalwaters
2. pink-sugars
3. 12shir
4. pearshine
5. nicobiz ------------------------ won first place on  Feb 27 2023 and April 10 2023
6. pinkdiamond
7. sparkly ----------------- won first place on May 8 2023
8. karmax  ---------------------- won first place on  Jan 30 2023 and March 13 2023
9. micaelledollz

July 17 2023:

1. nicobiz ------------------------ won first place on  Feb 27 2023 and April 10 2023
2. pinkdiamond
3. pink-sugar
4. agneseappeal
5. karmax  ---------------------- won first place on  Jan 30 2023 and March 13 2023
6. pearshine
7. 12shir

Last edited by sierradane (2023-07-18 20:17:09)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna


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