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#1 2017-11-29 19:31:53

From: Under your Bed
Registered: 2010-01-01
Posts: 290

Names of the rooms

I've noticed it a while ago, when we get new rooms from the quests, some of the rooms stay named in French and sometimes it gets confusing to send things to the right room.
I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but it would be nice if all of the rooms had names in English and it would be less confusing.

#2 2017-11-30 00:06:35

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: Names of the rooms

It's not a bug. I have asked multiple times for the rooms to be changed but yet they never seem to get to it. I will mention this again to the GM but I can't promise anything will be done "right away". intr


#3 2017-11-30 00:22:46

From: Under your Bed
Registered: 2010-01-01
Posts: 290

Re: Names of the rooms

fairykisses wrote:

It's not a bug. I have asked multiple times for the rooms to be changed but yet they never seem to get to it. I will mention this again to the GM but I can't promise anything will be done "right away". intr

Thank you for your efforts anyway

Last edited by dyingneko (2017-11-30 00:22:55)

#4 2019-02-05 00:50:59

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: Names of the rooms

I've created a Sticky in 'Players helping Players' that has a list of rooms and their translations.

See here:

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