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#1 2020-06-18 00:56:22

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Replay - Music - both parts w/guides

Music Celebration 2012 (guide not found)

Throughout this quest with a double ending, you can get the « Pop Star » job, as well as the « Best friend » model.

The job will give you 7 $$$ a day.

Attention: if you already own the « Best friend » model, the new model will be the same as the one you own already. You can’t define a new friend on a second model.

Music Festival 2014 full guide
thanks to Rheasilvia for the full guide and darkelfqueen for the quest index

Quest Name: Music Festival
Store Used: Music Shop
Two Endings? No.
Job? Yes - TV presenter (6 $$$ per day and +2 votes for your loft and doll per day)
Room? No.
Talent? Yes - International Star (+1 $$$ when you work)
Total Cost: 229 $$$
Full Guide:

Bonus Answers:
1.  Worldovision
2.  1956
3.  1997
4.  Ireland
5.  Anggun
6.  He has won the Eurovision Song Contests three times.
7.  Denmark

Music Festival 2015 full guide
thanks to rheasilvia, sierradane and darkelfqueen

Quest Name: Music Festival
Store Used: Music Shop
Two Endings? Yes.
Job? No
Room? Yes - The Concert Hall or extension.
Talent? No
+ 1 $$$ a day for 200 days
Total Cost: $200 for one ending or 250 $$$ + 150 Fee'z for two endings
Full Guide: … 17#p325617

Bonus Answers:
1. high off my love
2. Fifty shades of grey
3. 2013 (bug: shows as 22)
4. The beetles
5. No, but she got nominated
6. A celebrity that makes an appearance.

I hope it helps somebody. and I apologize for posting in the news page without asking beforehand.

*** Mod. Edit - to change title of the thread

Last edited by willowskye (2020-06-23 08:24:12)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#2 2020-06-23 08:10:30

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: Replay - Music - both parts w/guides

darkjewels wrote:

I hope it helps somebody. and I apologize for posting in the news page without asking beforehand.

Don't be sorry. :) It's your board, too. Nowhere does it say only mods can post the news. (or does it? It's late for me, and I did take a quick look....but, I can't find anything. If you do find something, let me know and I'll change it toot sweet! Lol)

Quite honestly, it was never a 'mod only' duty anyway. We only ever started to do it (as a courtesy to the US players) because the news wasn't being posted here. I guess we just all got used to it being that way?

Now that we have an actual, up-to-date NEWS page when you first log in the game, it kind of makes posting the news here redundant, imho. Even more so when the quests are all replays right now (and therefore, have most likely been posted in full already - hence the Quests of the Past.)

Anyone can look those up and post them, if they're feeling in a helpful mood. Lol Heck, anyone can re-post the News from the in-game page too, if they want. (I do know that some people like to have a copy here too, for future questions, info, etc.)

Thank you for posting the information for everyone, darkjewels. :)

P.S. Just make sure the news isn't getting double posted....and, if the format could kind of be maintained.....that would be good.     

Last edited by willowskye (2020-06-23 08:26:17)

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#3 2020-06-23 08:17:42

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: Replay - Music - both parts w/guides

In the land of the music - Quest Guide - … 14#p326314

OMD, a fabulous talent (aka: OMD's got talent) - Quest Guide -

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#4 2020-06-24 23:43:12

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Replay - Music - both parts w/guides

@willowskye: Thanks! applau
so... just to confirm: ideally, I should copy the content from the news page into the 1st post and add the links to the guides into the post?

as for posting news in the forums being redundant... well... I think the point of posting the news in the forums is so that the players can comment on them, so I have to agree that right now it does sound redundant in most cases... having links to the guides is more of a convenience... and an excuse to post something in the forums to show that there are still people posting in it...

anyway, thanks for posting the links to the guides of the other quests gai

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#5 2020-06-29 11:56:58

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: Replay - Music - both parts w/guides

darkjewels wrote:

@willowskye: Thanks! applau
so... just to confirm: ideally, I should copy the content from the news page into the 1st post and add the links to the guides into the post?

Ideally, yes. But, for the Quest Replays, I personally find copying and pasting the links for the pictures to be very redundant (especially when they're most likely already there in the original post.) Which is why I've just been posting the link to the guide itself. I guess when I mentioned formatting I was referring mostly to the way we've been titling the Quest Replays (or other posts.)

darkjewels wrote:

as for posting news in the forums being redundant... well... I think the point of posting the news in the forums is so that the players can comment on them...

Yes, a valid point. norm

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