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#1 2011-08-22 17:48:47

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 18

Sarah's Birthday Adventure

A couple questions on this one:

Is there a guide for this adventure yet?


It says that there are two options and that you can do the second one after paying 150 feez, but it seems that there is only one room that you can get (I looked at that little house image below my doll's loft). Do you get a room with either option or does only one option have a room?



#2 2011-08-22 17:59:40

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

The guide is above your page. I'm already at the 5th step. I can't believe I have to buy fee'z again to just finish it.

I also would like to know about the room?


#3 2011-08-22 18:00:17

Chat moderator
From: somewhere :)
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 1445

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

i donno about the second question but for the first one, no one makes guide for adventures anymore as it already shows you all the gifts you will recive in each level in that bar i guess up when you login


#4 2011-08-22 18:07:32

From: The Demon Academy
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 129

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

I have checked the French forums for a price guide and found this.
Step 1: 7$$$
Step 2: 14$$$
Step 3: 22$$$(5$$$+11$$$+6$$$)
Step 4: 31$$$(6$$$+10$$$+5$$$+10$$$)
Step 5: 35$$$(13$$$+17$$$+5$$$)
Step 6: 40$$$(18$$$+9$$$+13$$$)
Step 7a: 48$$$(7$$$+9$$$$+14$$$+11$$$)
Step 7b:50$$$(20$$$+9$$$+10$$$+11$$$)
Total,with 1 choice: 197$$$
Total with 2 choices:247$$$+150feez
Hope it helps.As for the prizes,yay for new flirt system!

#5 2011-08-22 18:12:12

Ancien joueur angel923

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure


I'm broke. I wish my parents would let me buy Feez xD


#6 2011-08-22 18:12:43

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 98

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

frenchmeese wrote:

A couple questions on this one:

Is there a guide for this adventure yet?


It says that there are two options and that you can do the second one after paying 150 feez, but it seems that there is only one room that you can get (I looked at that little house image below my doll's loft). Do you get a room with either option or does only one option have a room?


As for the room you'll get "half" of it if you only do step7 one time [check my other acc. White-rabbit to see how it look]
And here are answers for questions:
Who is Sarah? -> The creator of the game OMD
Complete the sentence "Sarah loves..." -> to go shopping
Which one is Sarah job? -> Graphic Artist
Where does the sauna come from? -> The Scandinavian countries
In the kitchen what is yeast for? -> to rise the dough
What is a boudoir? -> Place where we chat with friends

Hope it help ^.^

and jayellaai is correct with price guide only thing is that if we choose more expensive step total cost is 199 [the one with garden]


#7 2011-08-22 18:35:49

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

Ohhh wow that garden is gorgeous. *slaps forehead for spending DB last week*

I finished it on another account. There seems to be a problem with the Sarah doll, but I'll post that separately to the Bugs forum.

Here is the storyline & bonus gifts:

1) Today is Sarah's birthday! I've been waiting weeks for this moment. Last year she invited us to Hawaii, it was amazing!
So I've been thinking what will she do this year. And then my phone rang:\ "Hey! It's Sarah! This year I am organizing a big party to celebrate my birthday! And of course, you're invited! Do you think that you could help me organize it?"
That's great! I am so happy! Sarah is so busy and she hardly ever calls me... I'll slip on a pair of jeans and run over to see her! Of course I tried on 5 pairs of pants to see which one fit me the best and went over to help her out...because as you already know Sarah is always so in style!

Bonus Gift:

2) My first mission is to help Sarah pick her dress! She is between two styles and to be honest I don't know which one she should pick either!
She found a goldish dress really in style with crystals. The other dress is more simple but elegant in more of a pastel color. Both of dresses are really great, and she decided to take them both! Why be deprived yourself on the day of your birthday?
Well, I found a little dress that looks great on me, but I'm not sure if I will wear it for the party, it really all depends on the theme that we will choose. …
I think that the last time that I went shopping with Sarah, it was really hard on my wallet. She really has great advice and my arms are filled with all the new things I bought!

Bonus Gift:

3) After our little shopping spree, Sarah proposed to go and prepare all the birthday invitations. So we went to her favorite bar. This is a very girly bar with lots of candy everywhere!
The waiter made a point of offering champagne for her birthday. The decorations are great!

Bonus Gift:

4) We are back at a spa to pamper ourselves after a long day! The program for the afternoon is to relax!
Help Sarah organize her birthday, it's not all about relaxing! Even the little details are important if you want to have a perfect party! So, after the oil massage, we can get comfortably settled in by the pool to take advantage of the rest of the afternoon. But on a different note, Sarah told me all about her job! There is an intern who brings candy everyday for the team and every week there are bagels for breakfast...they even have a pool! I would love to work with her everyday!!

Bonus Gift:

5) It is now time to spend our time in the heart of it all: the kitchen! I must feed all the little stomachs of all the invited dollz! We will prepare a great birthday cake, just like in the movies! Luckily, Sarah is here to guide me because of my eagerness I accidentally replaced the flower with the baking powder! Imagine a cake with 2 cups of baking powder!

Bonus Gift:

6) I finished decoration the foyer, it's everything that Sarah wanted...The party starts in just a couple of hours, we are a little nervous. We don't have a minute to waste, we spent a couple hours in the bathroom getting ready. Sarah had a little surprise for me, she invited Coralie a professional make-up artist! We are going to really feel like stars! I'm still nervous, so much so that my hands are shaking! Imagine if I can't stop shaking while she is doing my make-up...I'll look like a clown!
After getting our hair and make-up it's time for our outfits! Which dress to choose, with which accessories and with which shoes? After hours of getting ready finally we are done and just in time for our first guests who have arrived.

Bonus Gift:
(This is the proper phasing of the correct answer: “a place where you find the women chatting”

7 a) Garden:
What a great ambiance! Sarah didn't want me to help her with the decoration so I could be surprised. She had good reason, the decoration is fantastic I can't even believe my eyes! Then I noticed Alessandro speaking to another Doll! I can't just stand here and do nothing! So I started talking to the really cute waiter, and we participated in all the festivities organized by Sarah. I was filled with emotion when Sarah blew out her birthday candles, as we all sang, "Happy Birthday”, she was very touched to see that we were all there for her. Everyone thought our cake was delicious...I had the impression that no one noticed the little pieces of egg shells in the cake! Turn by turn everyone offered Sarah a birthday present, she seemed to be really happy with the little dog that a charming young man gave her...Now the party!!

7 b) Party Room:
What a great ambiance! Sarah didn't want me to help her with the decorations, so I could be surprised. She had good reason, the decorations are fantastic I can't even believe my eyes! Sparkles, crystals, and just such modern decorations! It's like being up in the stars! Sarah has so many friends! Then suddenly appeared Alessandro, I see him from a far with another doll! Ok... so she's pretty but really!! So I decided to invite him to dance! He confessed to me that the doll was super dull! Surprises after surprises, I could never have imagined that Sarah organized all this for us! Now it's time for the birthday cake, the guests did notice some egg shells that accidentally fell into the cake! I was really happy to see Sarah blow out her candles and we all sang "Happy Birthday Sarah". Turn after turn we offered our presents to Sarah who seemed to be really touched! Finally a charming young man gave Sarah a beautiful necklace...and then the party began! We danced all night long! ahahahaha Stayinnn alive!!!!!

Last edited by snortmort (2011-08-22 19:30:32)

#8 2011-08-22 20:47:11

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

I did not realize there was a room to this flirt. I am going to have to do it now despite the pink furniture.


#9 2011-08-22 22:04:31

Registered: 2010-08-28
Posts: 244

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

I see a guide has been already made. But, I worked a long time on it (longer than I should haha) anywho. I posted it anyway, since I was so proud of it.

Sarah's Birthday (ADVENTURE GUIDE) - Future Reference

Fabulosity (n) 1. a state of everything that is fabulous. 2. a quality ascribed to that which expresses glamour, style, charisma, power, and heart.

#10 2011-08-22 22:17:21

From: Prague, Czech Republic
Registered: 2010-10-31
Posts: 9

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

anyamalfoy wrote:

I did not realize there was a room to this flirt. I am going to have to do it now despite the pink furniture.

Yeah, the pink colour is completely everywhere. Too much pink for me.

Weird freak from the Czech Republic, who totally loves her royal python and very dangerous little kitten. Beginning illustrator,  non-professional psychologist, twisted witch.
My mother tongue is Czech - this language is very different from English, so excuse all my language errors :-)))

#11 2011-08-23 13:29:53

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3288

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

I'd love to have that room, but it's just not in my budget right now.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#12 2011-08-23 17:12:36

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 18

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

Thank you jayellaai, that's exactly what I wanted to know :)

jayellaai wrote:

I have checked the French forums for a price guide and found this.
Step 1: 7$$$
Step 2: 14$$$
Step 3: 22$$$(5$$$+11$$$+6$$$)
Step 4: 31$$$(6$$$+10$$$+5$$$+10$$$)
Step 5: 35$$$(13$$$+17$$$+5$$$)
Step 6: 40$$$(18$$$+9$$$+13$$$)
Step 7a: 48$$$(7$$$+9$$$$+14$$$+11$$$)
Step 7b:50$$$(20$$$+9$$$+10$$$+11$$$)
Total,with 1 choice: 197$$$
Total with 2 choices:247$$$+150feez
Hope it helps.As for the prizes,yay for new flirt system!


#13 2011-08-28 01:46:17

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 141

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

anyamalfoy wrote:

I did not realize there was a room to this flirt. I am going to have to do it now despite the pink furniture.

What?? Where??

Also... anyone else noticed that the Sarah model that comes with the room changes her outfit each day? Yesterday mine had on that gold dress, today she has a pale green one on.....


#14 2011-08-28 14:06:47

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 850

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

i suggest the sarah wears the outfit from the login-page, or the original sarah on french server wears norm

Friendship is...
if s/he congratulates you as good swimmer,
after you capsized at sailing =3
My actual contest searching for participants

#15 2011-09-03 16:56:50

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 141

Re: Sarah's Birthday Adventure

Going back to the clothes Sarah is wearing in her room, yes it changes nearly everyday, but are we suppose to get the clothes?? Cos I have seen some people with some of the items.... an I missing summit lol


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