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To celebrate the 1st of April, a great hunt has been organized on Ohmydollz!
Do not worry, this isn't an April fool's day prank!
Win this fabulous window :
To win, it's very simple, all you need to do is find the April's fool symbols that are all over the site!
All you need to do is to click on one to catch it!
You have until the 2nd of April to find all symbols and win the exclusive gift!
Discover this fabulous exclusive April dress this week end!
You have until sunday midnight to get this beauty!
Have fun on OhMyDollz!
awesome window and this dress *go buy*
The window is lovely :)
Yay, FREE stuff :DD
Dose the dress come with shoes?
* I did the hunt exactly 17 minutes before the next day O_O thank goodness! I <3 the fishiness so cute ^o^ *
I just finished the hunt! I really like the window, I'm so glad I could get it because I'm new. So free stuff is GREAT! :lol:
how do u find all the fish??:intr:
It's Nice ;) :applau:
xbubbles313x wrote:
how do u find all the fish??:intr:
the fishes are on all sites, but the forum. just click through them (my loft, levels, flirt, makeover, store, fashionshow, invitefriends, bank) and click on them when you see them. you need 50 of them
Yeah 50 seemed like a lot at first, but I got it done in about 30-45 minutes.
i tried doing this but it took to long for me :(