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This weeks fashion show has to do with music. Please read this post that Willowskye has so kindly made for us.
To register for the fashion show, you will need to wear 1 item from the store below.
You will also need 1 item from the store below.
This is the theme for fashion show this week?
so... just asking...
why wasn't that posted BEFORE?
i mean, in french version, it was posted before the new adventure was... :quoi:
Our GM is out for a while so that could be why. But let's be thankful our good friend willowskye has helped us all out.
THANK YOU, WILLOWSKYE! :) Yay! My outfit is ready for the Fashion Show. :D It's Rock'n'Roll style :) I hope everyone likes it ^^
geekgirl wrote:
THANK YOU, WILLOWSKYE! :) Yay! My outfit is ready for the Fashion Show. :D It's Rock'n'Roll style :) I hope everyone likes it ^^
I love your outfit geekgirl :good:
fairykisses wrote:
Our GM is out for a while so that could be why. But let's be thankful our good friend willowskye has helped us all out.
good point.
thank you, willowskye ^^