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#1 22-07-2015 18:20:32

Registered: 2012
Posts: 31

[In progress] fee'z bug

Whenever I am trying to obtain fee'z with the sms thing it says NOT FOUND. Am I the only one with this problem?

#2 23-07-2015 00:29:28

From: Akatsuki Organisation Hideout
Registered: 2010
Posts: 933

Re: [In progress] fee'z bug

I have a similar problem that leds to the same case as you do.
So you are indeed not the only one with this problem, I think ^^

Firstly, I entered my number into the slot, typed in the received code, and after a big long wait which shows the screen: ''Code recieved. Initiating purchase with your carrier'' it gave me this note:

''Payment Error
Service temporarily unavaliable, try again later. ''

Then two options:
-Retry Payment
-Cancel Purchase

And no matter what option I choose, I get the same error: ''Not Found''.
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#3 23-07-2015 09:28:20

Registered: 2007
Posts: 1208

Re: [In progress] fee'z bug

Hi girls

Did you try using different browsers?
Which country are you from?

There are currently some issues with certain providers so the error might come from there.


#4 23-07-2015 10:16:58

Registered: 2012
Posts: 31

Re: [In progress] fee'z bug

Well, I tried using another browser but it's still the same.. (I am from Greece).


#5 24-07-2015 03:32:31

From: Akatsuki Organisation Hideout
Registered: 2010
Posts: 933

Re: [In progress] fee'z bug

Hello Sarah ^^

Thanks for trying to help- but I've tried using 3 different browsers and each of them gives the same error.

Also, I'm trying to buy Fee'z via the UK xD
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#6 29-07-2015 19:42:20

Registered: 2012
Posts: 31

Re: [In progress] fee'z bug

The problem with the fee'z is still on.. I don't know about the other dolls but I couldn't finish the Miami quest because of this.. Is it going to be fixed soon? :intr:


#7 29-07-2015 21:49:55

Registered: 2007
Posts: 1208

Re: [In progress] fee'z bug

Thanks for your replys.

We're on it but sadly this concerns the service providers as well, that's why we can't solve this as fast as we would like to :(


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