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Whenever I am trying to obtain fee'z with the sms thing it says NOT FOUND. Am I the only one with this problem?
I have a similar problem that leds to the same case as you do.
So you are indeed not the only one with this problem, I think ^^
Firstly, I entered my number into the slot, typed in the received code, and after a big long wait which shows the screen: ''Code recieved. Initiating purchase with your carrier'' it gave me this note:
''Payment Error
Service temporarily unavaliable, try again later. ''
Then two options:
-Retry Payment
-Cancel Purchase
And no matter what option I choose, I get the same error: ''Not Found''.
Hi girls
Did you try using different browsers?
Which country are you from?
There are currently some issues with certain providers so the error might come from there.
Well, I tried using another browser but it's still the same.. (I am from Greece).
Hello Sarah ^^
Thanks for trying to help- but I've tried using 3 different browsers and each of them gives the same error.
Also, I'm trying to buy Fee'z via the UK xD
The problem with the fee'z is still on.. I don't know about the other dolls but I couldn't finish the Miami quest because of this.. Is it going to be fixed soon? :intr:
Thanks for your replys.
We're on it but sadly this concerns the service providers as well, that's why we can't solve this as fast as we would like to :(