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When I go to the store to buy some clothes and I need to test these clothes on my doll, the page loads but doesn't open. My room isn't charging either. the same thing happens on cell phones and computers
4quamarine wrote:
When I go to the store to buy some clothes and I need to test these clothes on my doll, the page loads but doesn't open. My room isn't charging either. the same thing happens on cell phones and computers
Your best bet is to go to the French forums and post in their bugs forum. Our moderators here seem to be missing right now.
sierradane wrote:
4quamarine wrote:
When I go to the store to buy some clothes and I need to test these clothes on my doll, the page loads but doesn't open. My room isn't charging either. the same thing happens on cell phones and computers
Your best bet is to go to the French forums and post in their bugs forum. Our moderators here seem to be missing right now.
i wonder if they show up for halloween or advent calendar...
my room is loading right now, i hope the bug was fixed on your end as well
may be worth trying a browser with a different engine (gecko if you're using chromium, for example)
sierradane wrote:
Our moderators here seem to be missing right now.
We were abandoned years ago. :aomd_blase:
willowskye wrote:
sierradane wrote:
Our moderators here seem to be missing right now.
We were abandoned years ago. :aomd_blase:
All of us are still here...
Yes, it's best to report bugs and other issues on the French forum because we (mods and therefore the player) were abandoned years ago without any kind of support.
I confirm willowskye's words, Sarah has not been on the US forum for a very very long time... Administrators do not appear on this forum, and moderators cannot help you if they do not have help from them...
The quickest way to get an answer for a bug response is to open a support ticket.
4quamarine wrote:
When I go to the store to buy some clothes and I need to test these clothes on my doll, the page loads but doesn't open. My room isn't charging either. the same thing happens on cell phones and computers
When I test on my account on this server, I manage to access the testing loft for items in the stores.
Do you still have this problem? If yes, in a specific room or in all rooms?