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#1 04-04-2011 19:01:38

Ancien joueur angel923

A note to all divas...

I have lately seen American players using a bad English word in the game. It may not seem naughty to them, but there are little girls from England on this game, remember! It occured to me it might not mean anything, seeing as this is a US game, but I don't think they should use it...remember that saying: Think before you type!

#2 05-04-2011 19:14:51

From: ♫ PinkMe Land ♫
Registered: 2010
Posts: 814

Re: A note to all divas...

I have to agree with you...

I used to report so many divas that used bad language back in MDD. But in OMD, almost every new dollz have bad words on their profile and even on their name. I bet they haven't yet read the rules :p

#3 06-04-2011 17:19:15

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3284

Re: A note to all divas...

Well, any Diva I run across that has a name that basically consists of foul language, I generally turn them in.  Like I tell my daughter, "It shows a lack of intelligence to use such language, and also a lack of adjectives that someone has to describe everything as F-ing awesome... instead of, oh, I don't know.... marveously awesome"
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#4 06-04-2011 18:34:06

Ancien joueur angel923

Re: A note to all divas...

I have to agree. Everyone knows that awesome is a billion times better than bad language! <33


#5 06-04-2011 21:03:04

From: Germany
Registered: 2010
Posts: 850

Re: A note to all divas...

if there are any typs of names or words in the who-am-i that are against rules, report them or inform a moderator.

Friendship is...
if s/he congratulates you as good swimmer,
after you capsized at sailing =3
My actual contest searching for participants

#6 09-04-2011 18:09:43

Ancien joueur leshay234

Re: A note to all divas...

Yess,I See Them Alot!

Last edited by leshay234 (09-04-2011 18:12:40)


#7 12-04-2011 23:21:09

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010
Posts: 565

Re: A note to all divas...

I completely agree about using appropriate language, however, there are some words that are deemed 'bad' by the website since they are 'bad' in French but not in English.  And there are some words that have multiple meanings.  So I guess we just need to be aware that some may NOT know they are being offensive while others are doing so intentially.


#8 01-05-2011 19:01:12

Ancien joueur shootingmoon

Re: A note to all divas...

Agree with historygeek. I tried to type my name, "ShootingMoon." And they don't let me type the shoot part.....So I have to space it out like "S h o o t i n g M o o n." :nrv: But about the bad language part, there are girls very yound playing on this game so I think they should at least use appropriate language. :hypn:


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